Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thoughts on Freeform Crochet and My Process

With my series of workshops quickly approaching, I thing this is a good time to share some of my thoughts on the choices I make  freeform crochet.  It would be easy to just say, "I just start and let the yarn lead me in what direction it wants to go in."  It's so much more than that!  True, the yarn I'm using DOES tend to dictate what I create with it, but I also want to have SOME control over what I'm creating.  It's all about finding the balance between what the yarn wants to do organically and what it is I want to create with it.  

There are choices to be made! What yarn should you use?  What fiber is your yarn made of? Do you have a goal you want to reach or do you want to make it up as you go?  These are all things I think about before I start…usually.  Let me take you though a legible version of what goes through my brain when starting a project.
(picture here)
I create wearable pieces, mainly hats and headbands, and I want any part that touches the skin to be super soft.  So I'm going to go for my yarns that are made with the softest of soft fibers: Merino, Cormo, Corriedale, Faux Cashmere, Rambouillet, etc.  I then think about the texture I'm going for.  If I want to create a drapey, slouchy hat or one with lots of folds, I'm going to want a thin yarn with minimal texture.  This is because I will be creating the texture with the folds and if it's slouchy, I don't want it to be too heavy.  
 If I decide to create a sculptural hat that keeps it's shape, I'll want a thicker yarn, yet a soft yarn that doesn't itch when it touches your skin.  I wouldn't want to use silk or bamboo due to their dense and slippery nature.  I'll go for a soft wool: Merino, Cormo, Corriedale, Rambouillet, etc.  If it's a yarn with texture, I'll usually work it so the texture is popping out on the outside of the piece.  If I'm using a smooth yarn, I can make different textures with different types of stitches. A double crochet makes a wider row, but it leaves some holes.  Crocheting through the back loop gives a more solid, knit-like look.  Crocheting into the bars gives a ribbed look and creates a thick fabric.

I try a few different stitches, undo my piece, then try some more stitches until the piece starts becoming more appealing to me.  There has been many a hat that by the time I'm well into it, the front becomes the back or the top becomes the bottom or side.  While I'm working, I might start to make a hat in one piece, but later decide to combine multiple pieces.  Sometimes sewing pieces together allows for more freedom and that's when more sculpting can happen.  The great thing about crochet, you can then go and crochet on top of the pieces you stitched together. I like to just keep building and taking apart until I get it to my version of right.

 So back to choices!  Here's how I start working.  I dig through a hug bag of yarn that I spun previously.  I go for what I might have the most yardage of and what color I'm in the mood to work with (more than usually, my outfit ends up matching the project i'm working on).  Depending on the texture and thickness of the yarn will determine how I crochet it.  If it's a minimally textured yarn and more of a worsted to bulky weight, it normally becomes the "base" of the hat, the part that touches the skin.  I start crocheting, sometimes I like to start with a flat circle and build off of that.  I prefer crocheting through the back loop for a more solid fabric.  I go from a flat circle to a bowl shape and i go back and forth creating a sculptural, bulbous shape.  This ends up just being one piece of the hat, I'll add it to some more simple, circular shapes and sew them together.  I then crochet on all of the pieces to make them into one piece.

I try the hat on over and over throughout the process and normally take the pieces apart multiple times and recreate them.  Once I feel that the hat has a good fit and shape, I go back into my giant yarn bag to look for some accent yarns.  Sometimes I choose a thick and textured art yarn and sew it to the hat I just created.   Sometimes I choose a thin, yet textured art yarn and crochet it to the hat.  Other times I choose a complimenting colored, thinner yarn and crochet lines on the hat.  I choose whichever feels right for that hat.  This, too, gets taken apart multiple times before I get it "right".  Eventually, I put it on and it just feels "finished".  It has to look and feel finished.  Sometimes I ask for opinions from friends, but it all comes down to if I'm feeling it or not. It takes awhile for both of those things to happen, but it eventually happens.

This is my process, a hard to explain in words kind of process, but my process.  So eventhough freeform crochet can be a, "just pick up some yarn an go"kind of process, it's not normally not how I go about it.  There's
lots of thought, but also lots of freedom.  Freedom to change and sculpt a piece to however I want it.

On that note…I have some workshops coming up!  The next one coming up is at Mad Wool in Connecticut.  I'll then be teaching at Picasso Moon in Sarasota, Florida and then at the Spin Artiste Studio in Maryland right before the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!  Go to my website and scroll down to see the schedule and details of each workshop.

Workshop Schedule and Descriptions

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lil' Update

So I've been so busy making yogurt and kefir and butter and granola and pizza and stuffing my face that I have been neglecting my crocheting duties!  But I'm on it!  Finished 2 new hats yesterday and working on more today!  I'm also going to actually be in a SHOW in Portland!  Those of you in the area on November 14th, please come see me and all of the other great artists that will be there.  The Spring Creek Store's 2nd Annual Holiday Market at Portland Waldorf School is where I will be!  I will Also be sending some hats to Seattle and will be showing a few hats at the 2013 AAWO Holiday Market in Salem on November 23rd.  So I'm drinkin' coffee and diggin' into my yarn bag to make sure I have enough stuff for you all to go through!  I'll even have some yaaaaaarn for sale!  That never happens….we'll see how much I get done!
OH!  So those of you wanting to attend the workshops in Madison, CT in March…I've put up a deposit button on my website.  You can put down a deposit between $40-$80 and pay the rest before Feb. 7th. So get on it!
Ok, time to get back to the hook.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Maryland Workshops are a Go!

Yes, I'm still alive!  I just updated my workshop schedule and you can now sign up for my Maryland workshop!  It's the day before the HUGE Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May.  I'll be holding two classes and you can take one or both of them without having to find a place to stay for the night.  I'll be teaching an Art Yarn Spinning and Intro to Freeform Crochet 9-1pm on May 2nd, then from 2-6 I'll be teaching a Freeform Crochet Headband & Neck Wrap class.  You can sign up for one for $60 or both for $100.  I've put up a paypal button so you can register.  This will be help about 40 minutes away from the sheep and wool festival at the Spin Artiste Studio!  It's gonna be awesome and a great way to start off a wool festival!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Evening Fashion Show Plus Trunk Show? Yes Please!

All of you in the Portland, Oregon area, whatcha doin' tonight??  You should stop by Opulent Fibers new studio (se 11th and division) for the felted fashion event along with a trunk show including ME!  Yep, come by and try on hats and see some amazing felted fashion!  If you go to this link, you can get your $5 tickets for the show (or $7 at the door).  I've been seeing some preview pics and it looks like fun!  See ya there!
felted fashion show and trunk show-

Friday, September 20, 2013

World Wide Spin In Public Day...In Portland!

Ok folks!  Those of you in the Portland, Oregon area tomorrow, stop by Opulent Fibers new studio and spin some yarn with me!  I'll be spinning there at 10-2pm and will be offering free help and techniques. It might rain, but whatever man! The new studio space is HUGE and has a great new loading dock window door that we can open and still be inside!  So grab some warm coffee and a spinning wheel and come spin with me!  I'm pretty sure afterwards I'll have to head over to snuggle those baby goats that are in the SE!  I love Portland.

If you want....I have a freeform crochet headband class sunday at Opulent Fibers that you can use the yarn you spin on saturday!  Click HERE to sign up for the headband class.

Opulent Fibers
2455 SE 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214 
(707) 845-5348

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Updates on My Schedule!

I can tell fall is approaching when I start hearing from more people about doing things with my hats!  Love it!  So I heard from my friend, Laura, from Hierapparel about putting my hats in a wearable art fashion event at a tattoo parlor/art gallery in Seattle!  Um, yes please!

 I'm also gearing up for World Wide Spin in Public Day in Portland!  I'll be spinning around 10am, Saturday the 21st,  at Opulent Fibers brand spankin' new studio space at the corner of SE 11th and SE Division in Portland.  I went and checked it out the other day and it's HUGE!  There's super high ceilings, a space for Kristy (the owner and creator of Opulent Fibers) to pack orders, a store front area, AND a space for workshops!  Not to mention the brand new glass loading dock door they just put on! I'm stoked to be able to be involved with Kristy now!!  Oh wait....I think I got off track a bit.  Oh yeah, WWSIPD!  So I'll be there's around 10am to spin yarn and to help anyone that wants to come over and spin with me! Please come out!  There's also a great coffee shop across the vegan brownie EVER...I mean, coffee....good coffee :)  That Sunday (22nd), I'll be teaching a freeform crochet headband class at Opulent Fibers and you can sign up on the website!  It's only $45 and it's 10-1pm.  You can use all of that art yarn you spun up with me the previous day!

I also just found out that I'll be joining a trunk show at Opulent Fibers on October 2nd.  It will be my hats along with another fiber artist who does amazing felted work (I need to get the info on that artist still).  So stay tuned for more information about THAT.

Ok, so I need to get to crocheting, been so busy doing everything else!  Canning, blogging about food, planning's definitely the time of year for harvesting and food preserving!  I mustn't forget the hat making!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

oh look! a new hat!

Found a hat I forgot to list! Message me on facebook or email me at if you're interested...$90.  This is my own hand dyed and spun merino wool along with mixed wools from the lovely Wooldancer!